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Amateur > Clinic Grants


Amateur Clinic Grants

Did you know ..... The AMHA Amateur Committee will be sponsoring FOUR (4) GRANTS for Local AMHA Clubs to help host educational clinics for their members. Applications must be sent by email to AMHA by March 31st, of current year in order to qualify for the grant. Applications must be signed by the club president. The guidelines to this program are simple (for a more complete list see the application).



Images are courtesy of AMHA members!

1. Clinics will be subsidized by The Amateur Fund and those are granted on a first come, first serve basis. You must provide proof of actual expenses - i.e., receipts.

2. Clinics will be free of charge to anyone with a current AMHA Amateur card! These clinics are meant to be a benefit for being an AMHA Amateur member. Clubs can allow any other AMHA members to attend as well as the general public and may charge them as they see fit. Amateurs may be charged for meals or additional expenses.

3. The Amateur committee will give you as much or little assistance as you require. The Amateur committee can help you select a clinician and help make any arrangements necessary to guarantee that your clinic is a success.

4. Once a clinic is complete, clubs will fill out and return a clinic questionnaire to the AMHA office so that the Amateur Committee can learn how to better assist our local clubs with this process. We also require any photos your club can send from the clinics to use for advertising. You must provide proof of actual expenses - i.e. receipts.

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