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Our Association > Member Services > AMHA Rulebook
Official Rulebook
The Official Rulebook of the American Miniature Horse Association.
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About the Cover: Photo Credit: Sandy Frank Photography
Cover Design: D&M Equine Design

If Using Microsoft Edge: Click on "Page View" on the top bar, then click on "Two-Page" and make sure "Show Cover Page Separately" is checked.
If Using Google Chrome or Opera: You will not be able to view the rulebook as a two-page document with separate cover in the browser. There is no option to show the cover page separately. However, you can open it with Adobe Acrobat and click on the "View" tab, then "Page Display". Check "Two-Page Scrolling" and "Show Cover Page in Two-Page View" in the drop-down window.
If Using Firefox: Firefox should download the file when you click on the AMHA RULEBOOK (PDF) button above on this page. Once you open the file download, click on "Page View" on the top bar, then click on "Two-Page" and make sure "Show Cover Page Separately" is checked. If it opens in the browser, just click on "Tools" (double arrows on top right bar), and click on "Even Spreads".
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