Youth > AMHyA Youth Program
The American Miniature Horse Association Youth Program (AMHyA) is an organization of young people who have a common interest in the miniature horse. With youth members in the United States, Canada, and all over the world, AMHyA offers a variety of programs that challenge members to become involved, to learn, and to develop competence in all areas of the miniature horse industry.
As they work with their miniature horse(s), members develop a sense of sportsmanship and fair play, learn citizenship skills, master leadership skills, and develop discipline and a sense of responsibility for themselves, their horses, and their Association. They participate in the AMHA Regional and World Show through showing, youth contest and essays.
The AMHyA program is designed to bring out the best in its members - no matter what their skills or interests. Youth Members, 18-years-old or younger are eligible to participate in any or all of the American Miniature Horse Youth Association programs.
For More Information on the AMHyA Youth Program contact AMHA Office 817.783.5600
Sign up today!
Cultivating tomorrow's leaders ...

Helping to cultivate tomorrow's leaders, the AMHA Youth program involves much more than simply joining our association to
display your love of the American Miniature Horse.
Connect with friends
Participate in AMHA regional and world shows
Support the American Miniature Horse industry
Hold a leadership position through officer positions
Participate in contests
Apply for scholarship money
..... and so much more!

Did you know that ...
you can get rewarded for time spent with your Miniature Horse!
The Mini Hours program is a great way to earn rewards for time spent with your Miniature horse. The Mini Hours program will allow you to log time spent doing what you do with your mini. Whether it be grooming, playing, therapy work, parades, or training, turn in your time spent and receive rewards from AMHA. Created for any age member, this program recognizes the personal achievements and benefits of multiple activities you do with your horse on a routine basis. Whether you participate in trail drives, train and compete in shows, walk in parades, perform therapy work, or enjoy just grooming your mini, each hour will count toward your lifetime achievement record and enable you to receive recognition and awards from the AMHA.
Enroll and log your hours. Awards will be mailed to you upon completion of 100, 250, 500, and each 500 hour plateau thereafter.