Our Association > Member Services > Approved Clubs
Approved Clubs
There are over 30 AMHA Approved clubs worldwide. AMHA Approved clubs are local clubs across the world that are officially recognized representatives of the American Miniature Horse Association. They are groups of people who get together for the common purpose of being involved with the American Miniature Horse. These clubs have many interests including showing, training, breeding, clinics and participating in the many disciplines that make the American Miniature Horse ... The horse for everyone!
Is your area club interested in being an AMHA Approved club? The guidelines are listed on the AMHA Approved Club Application.
AMHA Approved Club Renewal are due no later than January 31st of the calendar year. Effective 1/1/24, fee is $30

AMHA Regions
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
New England Miniature Horse Society exp 12/31/24
55 Culter Road, PO Box 373 - West Brookfield, MA 01585
President - Shari Morris 508-415-7878
Vice President - Michelle Welch
Secretary - Michelle Welch
Treasurer - Lisa Goble
158 Garland Road - Barnstead, New Hampshire 03218
President - Wanda Mullen, Ph: 603-948-5552
Vice President - Jessie Fifield
Secretary - Jen Burns
Treasurer - Patricia Cotton
Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania
PO BOX 118 - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania 17222
President - Nicole Zinn, Ph: 301-788-3620
Vice President - Ashley Rotz
Secretary - Lynn Horsh
Treasurer -
Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia
Old Dominion Miniature Horse Club
436 Crazy Horse Lane - Mt. Jackson, Virginia 22842
President - Lynn Gulledge, Ph: 703-963-5719
Vice President - Michael Wells
Secretary - Faye Brewster
Treasurer - Martha Duchnowski
Palmetto Miniature Horse Club
177 Pointsettia Road - Wagener, South Carolina 29164
President - Santana Snipes, Ph: 803-800-8449
Vice President - Robby McCartha
Secretary - Stephanie Marie
Treasurer - Mary Joe Hanes
West Virginia Miniature Horse Club
316 Geral L Bates Dr - Clarksburg, West Virginia 26301
President - Melisa Skidmore, Ph: 304-783-4827
Vice President - Adawn Caswell
Secretary - Margaret Mellon
Treasurer - Gregory Skidmore
East Coast Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/2025
170 Red Bud Church Rd - Castalia, North Carolina 27816
President - Kelly Joyner, ecmhc01@gmail.com
Vice President - Sally Jones
Secretary - Kim Bratton
Treasurer - Stephanie Creasy
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee
Orange Blossom Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/25
8241 SE 135th St, Summerfield, FL 34491
President - Donna Lavery
Vice President - Elaine Sulser
Secretary - Robin Cook
Treasurer - Anne Gordon
Director At Large - Phillip Adams
Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Wisconsin
Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming
Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club exp 12/31/25
2953 Mackville Rd - Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330
President - Donna Phillips, Ph: 859-265-1196
Vice President - Suzanne Robinson
Secretary - Lisa Leonard
Treasurer - Marj Vickery
Indiana Miniature Equine Club - exp 12/31/25
2799 W 650 N - Fairland, Indiana 46126
President - Joyse Banister, Ph: 317-727-5153
Vice President - Lori Benge
Secretary - Brookanna Pickett
Treasurer - Brookanna Pickett
Kentucky Miniature Horse Breeders Club exp 12/31/25
1020 Indian Trail - Lawrenceburg, Kentucky 40342
President - Laura Licht
Vice President - Laura Tennill
Secretary - Abi Lauria & Ruby Faulkner
Treasurer - Debbie Meek, Ph: 502-845-4794
Greater Houston Miniature Horse Club exp 12/31/25
18463 Cypress Rose Hill Rd, Cypress, TX 77429
President - Taylor Davies
Vice President - Margaux Malek
Secretary - HIllary Waite
Treasurer - Al Bulgawicz, Ph: 713-870-1293
Southwest Miniature Horse Club exp 12/31/25
3321 Springfield Rd - Springtown, Texas 76082
President - Jane Wagner, Ph: 412-952-4166
Vice President - Stefani Dooling
Secretary - Taryn Murphy
Treasurer - Traci Wright
1501 West Burnham Street - Lincoln, Nebraska 68522
President - Russ Maas, Ph: 402-525-3035
Vice President - Jo Stork
Secretary - Jacki Loomis
Treasurer - Jacki Loomis
Minnesota Miniature Horse Club
17420 203rd St East - Hasting, Minnesota 55033
President - Bruce Ebnet, Ph: 612-805-2992
Vice President - Shelly Oney
Secretary - Cynthia Sievert
Treasurer - Clair Severson, Ph 612-805-2992
Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Idaho Miniature Horse Club exp 12/31/2025
11800 Sweet Ola Highway, Sweet, ID 83670
President - Heather Bunting, Ph: 203-369-0931
Vice President - Jennifer Green
Secretary - Sharon Dudley
Treasurer - Jennifer Smith
Northwest Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/25
39839 Kingston Jordan Rd, Scio OR 97374
President - Sheryl Peterson, 503-545-9787
Vice President - Dorothy Whiteman
Secretary - Katie Hansen
Treasurer - Linda Soto
Interstate Miniature Horse Club
21367 E 3800 N - Filer, Idaho 83328
President - Ricky Ducharme, Ph: 208-316-2223
Vice President - Peggy Ducharme
Secretary - Shealyn Mallows
Treasurer - Debbie Emery
Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah
Norcal Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/25
4357 Cantelow Rd - Vacaville, California 95688
President - Robert Kane, Ph 707-689-7971
Vice President - Roxy Cortez
Secretary - Ashley Raffaelli
Treasurer - Brenda Kane
Miniature Horse Association of Arizona - exp 12/31/25
47210 N 10th Ave, New River, AZ 85087
President - Julianna Myers
Vice President - Rebecca Hubal
Secretary - Tammy Schreiber
Treasurer - Mary Ronek, Ph: 563-357-6146
Western one-half of Canada
British Columbia Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/25
4416 LeFeuvre Rd, Abbotsford BC Canada V4X 1N8
President - Ray Kramer
Vice President - Leona Alcock
Secretary - Tina Harrison
Treasurer - Cherie Kramer
Western Canadian Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/25
#407, 910 18th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2T 0H1
President - Sarah Hunter, wcmhcpres@gmail.com
Vice President - Judy Lunde
Secretary - Hannah Logan
Treasurer - Erin Bricker
Eastern one-half of Canada
Miniature Horse Club of Ontario exp 12/31/24
156387 7th Line RR #2 - Meaford, Ontario N4L 1W6
President - Doug Savage, Ph: 519-538-1670
Vice President - Anette Kelley
Secretary - Laurie Goble
Treasurer - Julie Fitzsimmons
Oklahoma, Arkansas
Oklahoma Miniature Horse Club, Inc. exp 12/31/24
890584 S 6690 Rd - Chandler, Oklahoma 74834
President - James Menefee, Ph: 405-323-7010
Vice President - Vickie Robertson
Secretary - Jennifer Bynum
Treasurer - Bob Roberson
Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico
Heartland Miniature Horse Club exp 12/31/25
2284 27th Ave - Canton, Kansas 67428
President - Heather Franklin, Ph: 785-539-0423
Vice President - Vacant
Secretary - Valerie Cuthbertson
Treasurer - Valerie Cuthbertson, Ph: 620-242-2040
Rocky Mountain Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/25
26610 Flower Circle, Simla, CO 80835
President - Kelley Harding, Ph: 719-541-4753
Vice President - Harry Elder
Secretary - Neva Barnes
Treasurer - Mary Lou Elder
Land of Enchantment Miniature Horse Club - exp 12/31/24
2586 Hwy 47 - Belen, New Mexico 87002
President - Fran Johnston, Ph: 505-307-3462
Vice President - Robin Martin
Secretary - Lisa Laughlin
Treasurer - Fran Johnston