Hardship Registration -
25% Off Sale!
Hardship and Progeny Hardship Sale - effective Jan 21st - April 1st 2025.
DNA kits are not discounted.
You must be a current AMHA Member.
Hardships must be postmarked/emailed between Jan 21st and April 1st. Payment in full must accompany a fully completed Hardship Application, photos, DNA request (if mare or stallion), and copy of AMHR papers (if applicable).
Inspections must be completed by Dec 31, 2025 or full Hardship fee will be charged.
Office must receive all documents at least TWO WEEKS prior to inspection or Expediting Fees will be charged.
You must indicate which show inspection will be done at when submitting the Hardship Application.
Hardship Registration is open to any miniature horse provided it meets the following qualifications:
Measures 34.00” or under in height at the current measurement location according to AMHA Show Rules for Height Verification (currently GR-020-Height Verification in the AMHA Rule Book)
Be 36 months of age or older by its actual date of birth prior to hardship measuring
Be a current AMHA member in good standing
Complete and submit the Hardship Application Form, including a vet inspection for bite, and in the case of stallions, verification that both testicles are normally descended in the scrotum. Please see the application form.
Submit and pay the appropriate fee and any other applicable fees (ie. DNA if Stallion or Mare, AMHA Membership fee, etc.)
Submit with the application a request and payment for an AMHA approved DNA test kit (geldings are exempt) Please also submit a completed Customer Work Order.
Inform AMHA which AMHA sanctioned event they plan to take the horse for the Hardship Inspection and Measurement. AMHA will determine if the event will have the authorized personnel available for inspection and measurement.

Once the application is received and processed by AMHA, the office will forward to the Show Manager of the AMHA sanctioned event the Hardship Inspection and Measurement documents. The horse CAN NOT be Hardship Inspected or Measured without prior approval of the AMHA office.
***Some countries outside of North America may not recognize AMHA Hardship Registration in their government stud books. You should check with your country's regulations. AMHA is not responsible for knowing foreign countries' rules and regulations, nor can we guarantee that you will be able to complete the Hardship process in your location.****
Please see the current AMHA Rule Book Rules and Regulations #193 for complete Hardship Rules.
Our Association > Registration > Hardship Registration