Marketplace > AMHA Software Sponsorship
Software & Development Sponsorship
AMHA had been operating on the same DOS system that was developed when we moved from the original card system. Now, over 37 years later, we have updated AMHA with custom software, new computers, and a new phone system. We now operate on Windows 10 and can do so much more than we could before. We are very excited to have this new state of the art system and thank those who contributed to the 2020-2022 Software Sponsorship Program. Without YOU this new system would not be possible!
For those of you that show, you have seen our new show program at the Regional and World shows. With a click of a few buttons exhibitors can access their horse's points and show results. Show results are available to you within minutes of receiving them from the show manager. Honor Roll is updated automatically.
Our registration program allows us to print our certificates in house and send them out quickly. This saves both time and money. We can email you a color copy of your certificate with another click of a button. We no longer need new photos with every transfer because the new system stores the previous photos. No more cutting and gluing photos on the backs of certificates.
Our new Stud Book Online comes automatically with your paid Annual Membership. The program is run in house and updates happen in real time. We can provide you with log in credentials and turn your subscription on in minutes. As we move forward, we want to continue to improve your experience with AMHA. We are still updating software that is no longer supported and are implementing new ways to improve our efficiency and save costs to the Association. YOUR help is still needed and appreciated.
Contributions of any amount are accepted and appreciated!
PLATINUM: Requires a 3-year commitment of $3,500 per year, or a one-time payment of $10,000 with benefits spread over a three-year period of 2023-2024-2025
Full page b/w ad in the World Show Program
Recognition in the World Show Program as PLATINUM sponsor
Monthly eblasts recognizing PLATINUM sponsors
Web banner on the homepage of the website
Listed on homepage of website as a PLATINUM sponsor with link of your choice
Regular recognition in social media
Branded signage with prime arena placement at Regional and World Shows
Daily recognition during the Regional and World Show
Recognition at Annual Meeting
Promotional / Farm materials (sponsor provided) can be put in exhibitor bags at World Show
GOLD: Requires a 3-year commitment of $2,500 per year, or a one-time payment of $7,125 with benefits spread over a three-year period of 2023, 2024 & 2025.
Half page b/w ad in the World Show Program
Monthly eblasts recognizing GOLD sponsors
Listed on homepage of website as a GOLD sponsor with link of your choice
Recognition on social media
Branded signage at Regional and World Shows
Daily Recognition during Regional and World Shows
Recognition at Annual Meeting
Promotional / Farm materials (sponsor provided) can be put in exhibitor bags at World Show
SILVER: Requires a 3-year commitment of $1,500 per year, or a one-time payment of $4,275 with benefits spread over a three-year period of 2023, 2024 & 2025.
Half page b/w ad in the World Show Program
Bi-monthly eblasts recognizing SILVER sponsors
Listed on homepage of website as a SILVER sponsor
Daily Recognition during Regional and World Shows
Recognition at Annual Meeting
BRONZE: Requires a 3-year commitment of $500 per year, or a one-time payment of $1,425 with benefits spread over a three-year period of 2023, 2024 & 2025.
Business card b/w ad in the World Show Program
Quarterly eblasts recognizing BRONZE sponsors
Listed on homepage of website as a BRONZE sponsor
Daily recognition during Regional and World Shows
Recognition at Annual Meeting